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Breaking the ice is an idiom that means to make a comfortable or relaxed mood in a social situation. In Japanese, it can mean 緊張をほぐす or うちとけさせる.

You can break the ice in different situations for example: at a party, at a business event or when you meet someone for the first time.

Greeting (挨拶)

Hello, hi, hey, good morning, good afternoon, good evening can all be used to break the ice. A simple greeting can make a positive atmosphere.

For example:

Hey guys! Good evening. I don’t know anyone at this party. Can I join you?

やあ、みんな! こんばんは。このパーティーで誰も知り合いがいないのですが 参加してもいいですか?

Self Introduction (自己紹介 じこしょうかい)

It is important to talk a little about yourself when you meet new people.

For example:

Hi, Im Jeff. I’m from Texas. What’s your name?


Talk about the weather (天気)

The weather is the easiest topic to talk about when you meet new people.

For example:

It has been really hot and humid this summer hasn’t it?


Ask a question (質問)

It can be helpful to ask questions if you want to know more about new people and make friends.

For example:

What are your hobbies?


What kind of music do you listen to?


Be friendly and polite

It is easier to meet and talk to new people when you seem friendly and polite so always try to be nice!