自由が丘 | BMC英会話 | 文法が…ボキャブラリーが… たくさん英語を話して苦手克服

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Instead of always using “How are you?” you can use expressions like:

What’s up?

What’s new?

How’s it going?

How’s life?

If you haven’t seen someone in a long time, you can use the phrases below:

How have you been?

What have you been up to lately?

All these phrases basically mean 元気? / 元気ですか?(Genki? / Genki desuka?) in Japanese.

These phrases are informal and are mostly used when talking or texting with friends and family.


The replies to these expressions depends on how someone is feeling. 

If you feel good and healthy, you can respond by saying: 

I’m fine, thanks.

I’m doing great/ amazing.

*I’ve been doing great/amazing.

Pretty good.

Can’t complain. 

If nothing new has happened in your life, you can say:

Same as always. (いつも通りだよ)

Nothing much. 

If you aren’t feeling well or in a bad mood, you can reply by saying: 

Could be better.

Not so good.

I’m surviving.

Dialogue 1:

Miki: Hey James, What’s up?

James: Hi Miki! I’m doing great! How have you been?

Miki: Same as always. I’m still working at the café… 

Dialogue 2:

Max: Hello Riki, Long time no see. How’s life?

Riki: Hey Max! Pretty good! I moved into a new apartment close to the beach. What have you been up to lately?

Max: hmm…nothing much. I’m planning on studying abroad next year…

Dialogue 3:

Kaori: Hi Mayu, how’s it going?

Mayu: Not so good. I got a low score on my Math test. I need to study more. How’s it going?

Kaori: Can’t complain. I have been preparing for the music festival and my class will be performing my favorite song…