What Does 'Pull Someone's Leg' Mean? (よく使う英語慣用語句)
What Does 'Pull Someone's Leg' Mean? (よく使う英語慣用語句)
Have you ever heard someone say “Pull Someone’s leg!”? This phrase is a common idiom in English, and it means someone is teasing or joking with you.
1. What Does 'Pull Someone's Leg' Mean?
"Pull someone's leg" is a way of saying that someone is teasing or joking with you in a playful way. It’s a lighthearted expression and is usually used in friendly situations.
2. When to Use It
You would say "You’re pulling my leg!" when someone tells you something that is hard to believe, or when they are clearly joking.
A: Is it really your birthday today?B: No, I'm just pulling your leg.
3. 日本語の同じような表現
日本語で同じような意味を持つフレーズは、「冗談でしょ!」や「からかってるんでしょ!」です。これらの言葉は、相手が冗談を言っている時や、信じられないような話をしている時に使います。英語の「Pull someone's leg」と同じように、親しい間柄で使われることが多いです。
Next time a friend is teasing you, try saying “You’re pulling my leg!” It’s a fun and natural way to respond to their jokes.