What Does 'Actions Speak Louder Than Words' Mean? (よく使う英語慣用語句)
Blog Post Title: What Does 'Actions Speak Louder Than Words' Mean?
Have you ever heard the saying, "Actions speak louder than words"? This common idiom emphasizes the importance of deeds over promises.
1. What Does 'Actions Speak Louder Than Words' Mean?
"Actions speak louder than words" means that what someone does is more important and revealing than what they say. It suggests that promises and spoken intentions are less meaningful than actual behavior and demonstrated commitment.
2. When to Use It
This idiom is used to point out that someone's actions (or lack thereof) are the true reflection of their feelings, intentions, or character, regardless of what they say.
A: I promise I'll clean my room tomorrow.B: Actions speak louder than words.
3. 日本語の同じような表現
日本語で同じような意味を持つフレーズは、「言うは易く行うは難し」や「口より行動」などがあります。これらの言葉は、言葉で言うことは簡単だが、実際に行動に移すことは難しいという意味を表します。英語の「Actions speak louder than words」と同じように、行動の重要性を強調する言葉です。
"Actions speak louder than words" is a valuable reminder that true commitment and sincerity are best demonstrated through actions, not just empty promises. It encourages us to focus on what people do rather than just what they say.